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2024年04月22日 09:36  点击:[]

刘为潍/Weiwei Liu (Ph.D.)

Emai: liuweiwei@hunnu.edu.cn





主讲课程/ Teaching Courses

服务质量管理/Service Quality Management

旅游市场营销/Tourism Marketing

旅游英语/Tourism English

研究方向/Research Interests

儿童旅游/Children Tourism

移民返乡旅游/Diaspora Tourism

国家认同/National Identity

期刊论文/Journal Articles

[1] Liu, W., Li, M.*, Xu, W., & Yong, L. (2024). “Hui Laojia”: Children’s visiting experience and geographical imagination. Tourism Management, 100, 104840.

[2] Liu, W., Li, M., & Liu, T.* (2022). Redoing gender: How women in the hospitality industry challenge Chinese hegemonic gender discourse. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107, 103344.

[3] Li, M., Liu, W.*, Zhang, C., & Dai Z. (2024). Overseas Chinese children’s national identity and attachment. Journal of Travel Research. (online).

[4] Xu, W., Li, M.*, Liu, W., & Lin, G. (2023). Ritualizing the mundanity of holidays: Tourists in usual environment. Tourism Management Perspectives, 47, 101133.

[5] Li, M., Xu, W.*, Liu, W., & Cao, H. (2023). Networking for innovation dynamics: A design-driven approach in hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (online).

[6] 刘为潍, 李咪咪*, 蒋依依.(2023). 国家认同与旅游研究:回顾与展望. 人文地理. 38(05), 16-23.

[7] 刘婷婷, 刘为潍, 李咪咪*.(2021). 践行性别或消解性别?——酒店女性职业人的性别建构和空间互动. 人文地理(04), 72-79.

[8] 徐文晴, 李咪咪*, 刘为潍. (2024). 风尘仆仆,终有归处:跨国劳务流动者的假期与疗愈. 旅游学刊, 39(3), 91-105.

学术期刊审稿/Journal Article Review

Annals of Tourism Research
  International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management
  Journal of China Tourism Research

